The application period for the 2024/2025 class runs from December 2023 until June 2024.
The 3rd Call is open until June 17 2024. The resolution will be published on July 1st.
You must submit your application electronically via Slideroom. Before starting, please check that you have all the mandatory documents and a credit/debit card.
Your application will only be processed if we have received the application fee and all the mandatory documents.
At the end of each enrollment period, candidates are informed of whether they have been admitted to the MMRES. Once admitted, the student must pay 600€ within the indicated time frame to reserve their place. This amount is not reimbursable if you do not finish your enrolment. It is subsequently deducted from the tuition fee or returned to students if they are recipients of a Tuition fellowship.
Full payment of the tuition needs to be made by July (1st and 2nd call) or September (3rd call), before the start of the first semester. The Academic Office will contact each admitted student with instructions on how to proceed with the payment, in accordance with their specific situation (EU student, Non-EU student, recipient of a fellowship or other types of discounts).
Find more information about fees & fellowships here.
Institutional Members of the Board of Trustees
The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology
Travessera de les Corts, 131-159
Pavelló Central. Recinte Maternitat.
08028 Barcelona
T. +34 93 829 36 03